Who Were the Walloons and Huguenots?


Monument in Hudson Park commemorating the Huguenot founders of New RochelleWalloons are an ethnic group native to Wallonia and the immediate adjacent regions of Flanders, France, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. They are primarily Roman Catholic, but they also have a historical minority of Protestantism which dates back to the Reformation. Huguenots were a religious group of French Protestants who held to the Reformed (Calvinist) tradition of Protestantism. Both groups settled in the United States, including New York State, at various times and places.

The Society of Genealogists will host a virtual talk about Walloons and Huguenots outlining their beliefs, why were they persecuted in the Spanish Netherlands and France, and how they relate to the invention of the word “refugee,” on Saturday, April 6, from 2 until 3 pm, GMT.

You can register here. A Zoom invitation will be sent by email approximately 24 hours before the talk. The recording link will be emailed approximately 24 hours after the talk and will be available for one month.

For questions contact events@sog.org.uk.

Illustration: Monument in Hudson Park commemorating the Huguenot founders of New Rochelle, NY.

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