Spread the Word, Not the Species


DEC PodcastThe latest episode of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) bi-weekly podcast “DEC Does What?!” highlights the work of DEC scientists to understand and combat invasive species and their impacts on the environment, economy, and human health.

Invasive species — including beetles, round goby, kudzu, and hydrilla — are one of the greatest threats to New York’s biodiversity, causing habitat degradation, loss of native species, crop damage, and much more.

In this episode, hosts Interim Commissioner Sean Mahar and Chief of Staff Erica Ringewald are joined by Research Scientists Cathy McGlynn and Jessica Cancelliere from the Bureau of Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health to discuss how DEC plays a role in research, monitoring, prevention, and management of invasive species across the state, including using eDNA as a tool to track down the presence of an invasive in the environment.

They also provide tips to listeners on how everyone can help prevent the spread of invasive species in our communities.

This episode also includes an update on environmental news and recent DEC initiatives, including reminders for New Yorkers to help identify and report invasive species (Know It, Avoid It, Report It), the agency’s efforts to combat aquatic invasive species and protect New York waterways (Clean, Drain, Dry, and the Great Lakes Aquatic Invasive Species Landing Blitz).

The episode closes with an update on the terrestrial invasive Joro spider and whether New Yorkers should be concerned about its potential arrival.
All episodes of “DEC Does What?!” are available on Apple PodcastsSpotifyYouTubeAmazon Music, and all major podcast platforms.

For a full list of New York Almanack podcasts announcements click HERE.

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