Events & Sentiments Leading to the American Revolution


W.D. Cooper's engraving "Boston Tea Party" form The History of North America, 1789 (Library of Congress)The American Revolution did not just happen overnight. Years before ties were formally severed with the British Empire, the Stamp Act, Boston Tea Party, and other events signaled a growing dissatisfaction with the mother country which would eventually lead to war.

Brian O’Connor will present “You Say You Want A Revolution,” a free talk about the build-up of actions and sentiments that would lead to the American Revolution in the lower-level program room of the Lower Adirondack Regional Center for History‘s Hancock House Museum (formerly Ticonderoga Historical Society).

“You Say You Want A Revolution” will take place Friday, June 21, 2024 at 7 pm. The Hancock House Museum is located at 6 Moses Circle, in Ticonderoga, Essex County, NY.

Reservations are recommended and may be made by calling (518) 585-7868 or via email to

Illustration: W.D. Cooper’s engraving “Boston Tea Party” form The History of North America, 1789 (Library of Congress)

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