Let’s be honest: It can be so hard to keep up with all of the ed-tech trends and products that enter the market, particularly as your attention is already pretty divided at school. That said, we were excited to attend the Future of Education Technology Conference (FETC) 2025 in Orlando, Florida, last week. If you’d like a guide to some ed-tech products that might be worth your time, you’re in the right place. These were some of our favorites that we simply couldn’t wait to share with you.

11. Hello Britannica
ELA teachers, rejoice! A new product from Britannica Education, Hello Britannica offers interactive lessons in English (think games, real-world practice, and more) in addition to personalized learning pathways and a mobile app students can take on the go.
But teachers feel the love too! Hello Britannica is designed to empower teachers of all levels of experience to find new tools and strategies that help them grow as educators.
Learn more: Hello Britannica
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